Virtuous Mission

A Celo's History

The taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave. Future generations will revile her. In America, as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor. And in Russia, as a monster who unleashed a nuclear catastrophe. She will go down in official history as a war criminal. And no one will ever understand her. That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end.

But I think she wanted you of all people to know the truth. She wanted to live on in your memory. Not as a soldier, but as a woman. But she was forbidden to tell you herself. And that's why she told me.

Snake, history will never know what she did, no one will learn the truth, her story, her debriefing, will endure only in your heart. Everything she did, she did for her country, she sacrificed her life and her honor for her native land. She was a real hero, she was a true patriot.